Greeting Chiefs,
Congratulations on being selected Chief of Police for your community! This is a great honor knowing that your community has selected you and put their trust and faith in you to both be a protector and a leader for them, their families and their visitors Now it is up to you to meet or exceed their expectations!
You will be glad to know that you have a tremendous support organization to help you as you make decisions. As Chief of Police you will encounter various obstacles that may be new to you but often times not new to other Chief's of Police in North Dakota! So, why spend your time re-inventing the wheel? Simply ask your fellow North Dakota Chief's of Police!
The North Dakota Chief's of Police Association is made up of members throughout North Dakota from both small and large agencies. The is a great degree of experience and you will find that we are willing and able to provide you with wonderful information that you can us to make your community even a better place for residents to work and raise a family.
Attached to this letter please find some material we believe will be helpful and of interest to you. We encourage you to join us and become a member of the North Dakota Chief's of Police Association. We also encourage you to sign-up your second in command as most of our member agencies have t least tow members in the association so each or both can attend our quarterly meetings. The cost is minimal but the reward can be overwhelming and can save yo and your community many hours of needless research, worry and even money!
Again, congratulations on becoming Chief of Police. This opportunity is bestowed on a very select few. Make the most of this opportunity and help yourself to help others by being the leader they hoped you would be.
Your Fellow North Dakota Chief's of Police